Enjoy playing Manhunt 2 — execute, slaughter, and kill — the way it was intended to be! Tutorial courtesy of DepheCt.


  • UMDGen 4.00
  • Manhunt 2 ISO/CSO (find that or rip it yourself)
  • A simple tex editor

Now… Open up UMDGen and drag and drop the ISO/CSO into the main window of UMDGen… You should see a Manhunt 2 icon in the top right of UMDGen.
Next, you should see some some folders in the main window of the program. Double click “PSP_GAME” then you will get more folders. Double click on USRDIR and then GLOBAL.
Once inside the Global folder, you should see a couple folders and and some files. We are only going to be touching one of these files from GLOBAL. Find a text file named LVLSETUP.INI and right click it hit extract selected and place it on your desktop. Now with the LVLSETUP.INI you extracted, open it with a notepad.
Inside the notepade look for this string…

# —————————————————————————-
# [GK] execution colour ramp options: flash fadein (sec), flash duration (sec), flash fadeout time (sec)

Delete all of it, and save the notepad. Go back to the open window of UMDgen and delete the Orginal LVLSETUP.INI and drag and drop the edited one you just created into that directory.

Now, we are going to go to another section of folders.

On the right side of UMDGen you should see the directorys of the game, click on USRDIR again and the main window will pop up with some new folders. The one we are going to be going into this time is LEVELS. Double click it.

Once inside the levels folder you should see 16 folders. A01 - A18.
Open the folder A01_ES.
Inside the A01_ES folder you are going to look for a file called GLVLSET.INI.
Same as before, extract it to the desktop and open it.
We are going to be looking for the same string…

# —————————————————————————-
# [GK] execution colour ramp options: flash fadein (sec), flash duration (sec), flash fadeout time (sec)

Delete it, and save the text file.
Delete the Orginal one inside UMDGen and drag and drop the one you just edited into UMDGen.

You need to repeat this step for every folder inside the LEVELS directory. So basicly you need to go thru A01_ES all the way to the last folder A18_MA and edit every one of those GLVLSET.INI files the same way you have been.

Once that is all completed (yeah I know its a pain …) hit the “Save” icon on UMDGen and select the method you wish to save it as. ISO/CSO/DAX, It shouldnt effect the process of what we just did.

Once UMDGen is done compressing and what not, Thats it. Take your modded game and upload it to your psp and play, enjoy your uncensored kills… the way Manhunt was meant to be enjoyed.

Update: In your face, ESRB! More uncensored fun… This comes from blueboi698.

You notice how each time he strikes someone in an execution it flashes black? There’s a way to take that out too. Cause it’s kinda annoying when it gets dark as you strike the victim.

Here’s the string of code that they say you’re supposed to delete:

# —————————————————————————-
# [GK] execution colour ramp options: flash fadein (sec), flash duration (sec), flash fadeout time (sec)

Instead of just deleting it you delete the “FE_execrapms” after “EXECUTION_COLRAMP_TEXTURE” and change the “0.25″ after “EXECUTION_COLRAMP_FLASH_TIMES” to 200 and just save that as the text file and then replace the files like normal and save it and there ya go, executions without the blur AND the black flashes.

Download: Manhunt 2 Auto Patcher

techtweak - get more from your techies(ps2, ps3. x-box, x-box360, nintendo Wii, psp, computer) by extreme tweak, hack, tune and mod them.


Here’s a quick ‘n dirty guide to loading custom gameboot videos off your memory stick instead of flash. It’s probably a wise practice if you’re scared to flash due to the certain risks involved.

Quoted from birdman @ maxconsole:

first off get a decrypted 2.71 dump

get a hex editor

with your hex editor look in vsh/module/opening_plugin (of the decrypted dump)

do ctrl+f and find gameboot.pmf


i changed to


start from the F in flash0:/ and rewrite the whole line

use filer to flash modded opening_plugin to flash0:/vsh/nodle

this is a great mod for those of you who have jamesbdx’s patch and want a custom gameboot.

if you dont have a memory stick in and load a umd , it will just show a gameboot similar to the 0kb gameboot. and game will still work!


techtweak - get more from your techies(ps2, ps3. x-box, x-box360, nintendo Wii, psp, computer) by extreme tweak, hack, tune and mod them.


3.03 Downgrading Instructions

Please note: This will ONLY work on a 3.03 PSP and you MUST have a copy of the UNPATCHED GTA LCS UMD.

Don't know how to find out if you have an unpatched GTA LCS UMD? Click HERE

1. Download THIS and THIS

2. Extract the 3.03 Downgrading package with winrar.

3. Copy over the PSP folder into the root of your PSPs memory stick overwriting anything it asks you to overwrite. (Please note, backup anything you want before overwriting!)

4. Now, extract EBOOT_1.50 with winrar, and rename EBOOT.PBP to UPDATE.PBP

5. Copy UPDATE.PBP to ms:0\PSP\GAME\UPDATE, if you don't have an UPDATE folder in your GAME folder, create one.

6. Make sure you rename the file before you copy it to your memory stick. Do not overwrite EBOOT.PBP

7. Your UPDATE folder should now look something like this:

8. Once you've done that, launch your GTA LCS UMD from the PSP. It should proceed to load the save game.

9. Your PSP screen should turn black and the reset it self.

10. Ok, now check that HEN is running by going to system settings on your PSP and select "System Information". It should say "303 HEN"

11. If for some reason the PSP isn't saying "3.03 HEN", launch GTA again until it shows "3.03 HEN"

12. Now, plug in your PSP charger, and keep charging untill you have AT LEAST 75% battery charge. 100% is recommended, but 75% will do fine.

13. Now head over to the game menu on your PSP, click on the memory stick icon and then click on x.yz update icon.

14. At this stage, if you have a TA-082 motherboard the downgrader will patch the motherboard so you can carry on.

15. Agree to the terms and conditions by pressing R. Only do this if you want to proceed and downgrade.


17. Once done, the PSP will ask you to press X. This will reboot the PSP.

18. The PSP may show a warning that the settings are corrupt, press X and go to GAME on the PSP. Run the PSP Network Config Backup application.

Done? Congratulations! You should have a 1.5 PSP! Head over to the "System Settings" and double check you have a 1.5 PSP!

techtweak - get more from your techies(ps2, ps3. x-box, x-box360, nintendo Wii, psp, pc) by extreme tweak, hack, tune and mod them.

PSP : WiFi Multi Test Code

Lately I have not wanted to post anything here because there has not been much going on. There are new emulators released every day, and the pspsdk keeps growing with new samples, which is great!... But most of what i've been reading on the other psp sites is a bunch of drama over who came first and bad people who abuse the 'scene'.

This site is not about adding to the drama, only being informative and a good source of news for the PSP. With that said, I am proud to announce the release of PSPPet's WiFi Multi Test Code 002.

It still has a few issues, but it should make it much easier to implement the PSP WiFi code in any application. This version not only allows you to type text to your PSP, but has several other tests as well. Here are the new features:

* Picker for net conguration (DHCP not supported !)
* Picker for one of four tests
* Connect timeout logic and other improvements
* More fleshed out "sockets.h"-like header (getting better, not complete)
* Sample build with the PSPSDK (version 522 or later)

New Tests:

* Test#1: mini-telnetd like app. Telnet to your PSP and it will display on the screen. Similar to the original version but now allows larger display. [TCP/IP with the PSP as the server]
* Test#2: wireless photo frame. UDP send a JPG to your PSP and it will display on the screen. [UDP/IP with the PSP as the server]
* Test#3: AiboCam/Scope viewer. Run RCodePlus or AiboLifePlus on your ERS-2x0 Sony AIBO robot dog. Shows AIBO camera image and color detection grids on the PSP. [polled TCP/IP protocol with the PSP as the client, custom video codec]
* Test#4: CLIE SpyCam Watcher. Run ClieSpyCam (URL) on your Sony CLIE PDA. Shows the camera image on the PSP. [polled TCP/IP protocol with the PSP as the client, JPG image data]


techtweak - get more from your techies(ps2, ps3. x-box, x-box360, nintendo Wii, psp, computer) by extreme tweak, hack, tune and mod them.